
It’s time to talk about masks.

Masks. WOW! These things were always meant to be a joke from the start, right? I put this topic of discussion off for about two years, but I can no longer let it slide off my table of things to bring up with my followers.

Let me just say straight out that face masks are without the slightest doubt definitely not the things that are going to save us from “Covid-19,” any virus, or anything else for that matter. 100% guaranteed, they will only serve to perpetuate dysfunction, paranoia, discrimination, and even poor health in our already feeble communities.

Here’s why.

Sure, masks may end up aiding a fraction of a fraction of a percentage of people who have convinced themselves that they work and are in the wrong place at the wrong time. But, for the most part, face masks will only get you sicker than you already are, as well as completely freak out the probable weak person next to you. I totally mean it! We didn’t grow up this way in America, and it is an extreme detriment to society because we are inadvertently exacerbating the lie that everyone is sick around us.

This is just simply not true.

Let me put this as succinctly as possible. And I can promise to you all that there is not a single milligram of blood in my body that supports the new Trumpian wing of assault on humanity. Nor the current administration of disinformation upon our cultures. But the only reason anyone anywhere would ever wear a mask is either because they are or were an indentured slave in a farm, or because they are desperately terrified for their lives for some unexplainable reason.

There really is nothing to be terrified of. Why? Keep reading.

Here is a simple fact of life: any type of face mask, no matter what grade or price, whether surgical or cosmetic, will never protect you from anything, especially yourself. In fact, face masks may greatly increase the chances that the wearer will become infected from any virus that may be running rampant across societies.

Here is your proof.

Firstly, if masks actually worked in protecting people from the coronavirus, nobody in China, where everyone is forced to wear a mask, would still be infected from it more than two years later, especially when they have had “effective” vaccines for more than a year, now. Just use your brain and think for yourself about this for just a few seconds. You’re welcome.

Secondly, wearing masks greatly increases the chances of you getting Covid-19 because their only proven, deliberate function is to spread bacteria all around your face as you flip them up and down from it! Yes, for real! There is no offence meant here, but if you wear a mask regularly and haven’t realized this fact by this point, you may as well take a pistol loaded with bullets, aim the thing to your temple, and pull the trigger.

Thirdly, face-mask culture induces and makes prolific in our culture that was already rife with paranoia, ultimate, extreme paranoia. We, as “legitimate” cultures around the world, are now generally more terrified than ever before about dying from a virus that has literally only killed 0.3% of our population* while wearing masks. You should ask yourself, now that we are wearing masks, why is it that we feel less safe instead of more safe? Come on, people! The easy answer is that masks don’t work and were never meant to function as a safety feature to protect against viruses, or anything for that matter. Need more proof? Everyone in China wears masks, yet there are still outbreaks of coronavirus there in March 2022, more than two years of everyone wearing masks there, and being vaccinated!

We readers of Dark Esoterika now all already know for certain at this point that the best defense against viruses and propaganda alike is to think for ourselves, meaning we must not listen to anybody or anything else except our own logical reasoning (because they are lying to us), and we must ignore absolutely everything else. Those are the only tactics that will aid us in this brutal war of deception against our own people other than the following.

Finally, we come again to Mind Over Matter. And this is wholeheartedly, absolutely the Real Truth, here. Simply put, in situations where the basic mass of public is in stress over plague, a great majority of those who belive they will survive, simply because they’ve convinced themselves that they can, will end up surviving, whereas those that have convinced themselves that they will die, for any reason, most likely will die. This is because the human Mind’s processed, meditated perceptions are much stronger than any new, shady, corrupt information that is attempting to penatrate it.

AMEN! My friends, there is absolutely no reason to wear a face mask at any time. You will survive strong without one — I guarantee it. -MIKE EYE

* Do the math yourself: if there are about 333,000,000 people in our country of America, and approximately 1,000,000 have died of Covid-19, then that is about only 0.3% of the population. Nothing to get frenzied about.

P.S. Let’s say you don’t believe me, and you still feel like you have to wear a mask everywhere you go. Well you obviously haven’t considered the following. Okay, let’s assume that you’re wearing a mask and someone who’s totally infected beside you sneezes, Covid-19 flies into your direction, and your mask somehow manages to block the coronavirus by catching it on its edge instead of hitting your mouth or nose. So, then do you really want to walk around with coronavirus attached to your mask as you talk to people and flip it up and around your face? Yah, I didn’t think so!

P.P.S. One more thing. You may be wondering, with all the controversy over masks: why have scientists not conducted any clinical trials yet to prove without any doubt that masks work to protect people from viruses? The answer is that these scientists have conducted these trials, and their results did not turn out in their favor! The reason the scientists can’t expose the truth of these trials to the public is that they have wasted billions of dollars on mask propaganda already for the past two years, and they don’t want to generate additional fear into the public anymore than there is already, not to mention it would delegitimize their otherwise respectable institutions if this truth ever got out.

P.P.P.S. This article is not what I “believe.” It is my intuition of reality; the content herein has absolutely nothing to do with my personal opinion. And the reality is that wearing a face mask for a prolonged period of time greatly lowers your immunity; you can’t wear a mask for two years, suddenly take it off, and then expect everything is going to be fine — it won’t be. If you’re currently wearing a mask, you need to keep it on for the rest of your life in order for it to continue to be effective. Once you take your mask off, your immunity will become much lower than it was before you ever put it on; this is a major reason for never putting it on in the first place. Similarly, if you’ve been vaccinated, you need to continue to get booster shots every four months for the rest of your life if you want your immunity to stay strong. If you miss a single dose, your immunity will then become lower than it was before you ever got vaccinated. For this reason, no one should be getting vaccinated, except the severely immunocompromised, and those dying of cancer.

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Mike Eye found his passion for literature early in life, and has been reading and writing imaginative stories since elementary school. After working for several years on his own material, Mike Eye finally self-published his first novel, The Aqueous Transmission, in 2016. The author describes his debut tale of dark lore having been completely influenced by TOOL. He studies obscure sciences and philosophies, and is currently working on the sequel to his first novel. He has an incredible ear for music and also enjoys going alpine skiing and taking nature walks in the vast forests of his native New England. Mike Eye’s blog can be found at

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