Current Events: “What’s in a name?” High-jacking the power of words & associations, by MIKE EYE


What’s in a name? Before the new millennium, I never thought much about the power of names. I hadn’t any idea that there could be so much extra baggage metaphysically attached to someone’s name. Just like how now-a-days, you can embed the track name, number, and genre in one MP3 song file, unnoticeable attachments are quantumly combined with the actual phonetics, pronunciation, and association of the names of people, places, and even things. 

For example, when I say the word “ISIS?” What’s the first thing that comes to mind? Do you immediately think of the lovely Greek Goddess of fertility? I used to, until the media purposefully sabotaged the word “ISIS,” forevermore associating it with a group* of misled, brainwashed barbarians with chips on their shoulders in just the same way Donald Trump has sabotaged a group* of our country’s representatives known as the Republican Party. By the exploitation of names and what they’ve come to represent. 

When referring to the militant group*, “ISIS” is the name chosen by the media to be used across the board, and it stands for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Now, anyone who’s done just a little bit of internet research knows that, not only does this militant group* NOT refer to themselves as ISIS, but are trying to expand their territory and terror worldwide, as I understand, as we have seen with what’s happened in Paris, Brussels, and our US. I’m pretty sure all US media is owned by one person, that’s why all the news stations have exactly the same formats and stories and times. This One person, “hidden behind the curtain,” cleverly avoids the stigma of the group* mind and is left undisturbed. By insisting on using the majestic, compassionate name of ISIS, goddess of fertility, to independently describe this insane militant group,* who represents the opposite notion, the media has been using the simple and powerful, effective psychological phenomenon known as reverse psychology on us, and through constant repetition on many dimensional levels. Not to mention the media has forever tainted the essence of one of my favorite heavy metal bands, ISIS.

That leaves us with two other names publicly used to supposedly represent the same evil terror group*. For one, the government has never referred to this group* as ISIS, preferring to call them ISIL. This acronym stands for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, the Levant being much more land than just Syria. But still, from my understanding, I thought that this “terror group,*” whatever they should be called, wanted to take over a good part of, if not the entire world, and perversely murder any person who didn’t “submit to Islam.”

Which brings us to the other “name” describing this “terror group,*” the “Islamic State,” which, besides articles online, I have seen this term being used on public television, and is the name that the group itself prefers to be called, if I am not mistaken. It’s more than just the first “I” and “S” in ISIS; their purposeful omission of precisely WHERE their “Islamic State” IS in it’s name is very curious. I imagine they may be trying to let the world know that what they stand for and who they believe in, and what they do, is actually Islam, the name, and everything it represents. President Obama has spoken multiple times about how he thinks what “ISIL” stands for is indeed NOT what true Islam is about, so now we have a HUGE general mass miss-understanding of what the fuck “Islam” IS, so much so that Trump, should he be president, would implement “a complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” and blacklist the so-called “Vanilla Muslims” at Home who “haven’t been radicalized yet” and start heavily psychotronically surveying all of these Muslim Americans as well as resident aliens (not to mention anybody with any diagnosed psychological disorder), as if doing that could actually solve the problem of what he calls “radical Islamic terrorism,” or what Obama might call “acts of terror.”

Now, I hate to quote Rush Limbaugh here, I don’t care much for his views, but here is a quote from him that describes a great example of what, really, “is in a name.”

“I think [President Obama]’s got a different audience for the term [ISIL]. I don’t think he’s talking to the American people. I think he’s talking to Iran. We just heard Walid Phares say that Obama’s linkage here is not to oppose ISIL because Iran supports ISIL, and it’s all to do with the sectarian violence between the Sunnis and the Shi’ites and the fact that Iran capitalizes on the sectarian violence, does not want it solved because they hope to end up controlling the entire Levant — uh, sorry — region. Didn’t mean to say that.”

Even if Limbaugh is not correct with what he’s saying here, he’s still convinced millions of people that he is, or at least has supplied enough suggestion to arouse conspiracy theorists.

So what’s in a name? Literally more than you can Imagine. -MIKE EYE




*group : Never forget the power and terror of the “group mind,” a real phenomenon:


“Whenever such continuity of attention and feeling has been brought about, a group mind, or group Elemental, is formed which with the passage of time develops an individuality of its own, and ceases to be dependent for its existence upon the attention and emotion of the crowd that gave it birth. Once this occurs, the crowd no longer possesses the power to withdraw its attention or to disperse; the group Elemental has it in its grip. The attention of each individual is attracted and held in spite of himself; feelings are stirred within him even if he does not wish to feel them.

Each newcomer to the group enters into this potent atmosphere and either accepts it, and is absorbed into the group, or rejects it, and is himself rejected. No member of a group with a strong atmosphere, group mind, or Elemental (according to which term we prefer), is at liberty to think without bias upon the objects of group concentration and emotion. It is for this reason that reforms are so hard to bring about.”

—Dion Fortune, Applied Magic

☆ 22. Special Signet Spot Zero: No One and the Mother lock onto the Grail

“Dead things are formed from under the waters….”
—Job 26.5


from Episode V. The Aqueous Transmission of The Aqueous Transmission




[chapter TWENTY-TWO]

THE MEGA-PREGNANT MOTHER MAGDALENA UNFLAPPABLY MEANDERED onward through the pallid Darkness with a slouch atop the shadowy, scorched Earth, her scepter in seizure, Amrita by her side. She had her belly bulge in a desperate clutch and was feeling a cross between pissed off and delirious. She was unaware of precisely how long it had been since she had initially donned and activated the ancient, sanctified artifacts of Solaria’s golden, glowing dress and stone azure amulet subsequent to her formal Anointing, but the woman presumed it was getting close to at least six months’ time, for at least the time she was used to “keeping”.

And still the Sun did not rise.

There were no stars in the sky.

The only entity that could be seen from up above was the ultra-bright Full Moon which just barely lit enough sheen to guide the two on their way, the whereabouts of which remained a question in check, if indeed the duo were to query their course in the first place; for a while now the two lonely voyagers had been distraught, without a clue.


And, most curiously, the Full Moon did not even wax, nor wane all this time.

It didn’t seem like it could.

There was something missing.

Magdalena would stop to sleep atop the most unsoiled surface she would so happen to stumble upon, and usually only after becoming extremely exhausted. The abomination of desolation that graced the disgraced ground with devastation turned up everywhere the two took an unsteady stride.

The Mother had run out of food and water long ago, but miraculously her glorious golden garb was supplying her with the necessary vital hydration and nutrients she needed to survive. Amrita’s situation was also sustaining despite the treacherous conditions of the land and atmosphere; the robotic feline’s crystalline power-core had enough juice in it to keep it functioning for at least 60,000 more years.

The duo had remained mostly silent thus far throughout their heedless journey over the sullied scattered sediments of Fucked-Earth, neither individual having the urge to initiate conversation. Occasionally, Lina would fall upon the thought of what Solaria had demanded of her, as well as ponder the plenty of positions on precisely how on Fucked-Earth she would be able to carry the demands out. She felt frustrated but sucked it up as best she could, knowing there was nothing she could do to better the circumstance.

Every now and again throughout her travels Lina would receive a potent panicky sensation impulsively inch its way up the back of her throat, prompting in her a desire to scream and throw a fit. The woman would try hard to contain herself each time she became afflicted as such. She would occasionally call out to Solaria in hopes that the great power would heed her pleas, but the Mother never received a response. All along her travels, the heavy air of frustration over her predicament had not once loosened its grip on the Mother’s mood and aspirations.

Until now.


The precious azure jasper amulet of Solaria, which was dangling against the cold Heart of the Mother, now began to suddenly tap into a communion with some foreign source she unexpectedly felt present on the planet at this time.

And it seemed to be calling to her!

Not two miles onward in the direction she felt drawn to by her amulet, Lina could faintly hear, as well as see on the fringes of her periphery, an ultra-high-frequency hum in the distance that was psychedelically pulsating a powerful cerulean sparkle that kept an Earthy, tribal rhythm at a steady tempo.

With a staticky jolt suddenly skulking up the back of her spine, Magdalena abruptly felt more at ease than she had in quite a while. Finally, she thought, there had been some sort of contact.

For the following several hours, she allowed herself to be gently lulled to the twinkling, subtle power that was reacting strongly with her amulet. Miraculously, Magdalena had become able to use the talisman’s intense powers to guide her through the muddled shadows and on toward the source that was indeed beckoning her so.


Having now a destination, the Mother so took stride with a whole different style.

Fully energized, Magdalena slowly started to glow more and more vividly about her chest as she came closer and closer to the source that was drawing her in.

After many hours of travel from that point onward, a great deal of the scattered scrap and piles of ashy junk that had littered the surface of the dark, charred terrain of which woman and pet had thus far traversed, spread out as they strode forth, the wreckage slowly clearing to dissipation so as to soon start to supply the scenery with the semblance of barren wasteland. As the duo kept on, the super-psychedelic energies that were emanating from Lina’s amulet grew stronger and stronger still.

Before long, a sparkling, most striking vision appeared in the distance that was a stark contrast to anything she had trekked past thus far. The vision was before the Mother, up ahead a ways, and clashing in confounding conflict with the expansive vista of charred wasteland she was immersed within.

And perplexed by it immensely, the Mother soon decided to regard the vision as mere mirage. After all, in all probability being the only creature roaming the planet post-apocalypse, there very well could be no telling at all whether she had become a complete lunatic.

But upon approaching the curious, shimmering image, Lina decided to have second thoughts about it being an hallucination. There was a subtle brightness that moved like a small sly siren of sorts over the midline of the floating watercourse that was twinkling enigmatically, very much in the manner of UFOs reported during the days of old.

She paused, bedazzled in sheer stupefaction.


Amrita popped a squat beside her. “What is it?” it asked the Mother.

“Rita, do you see that? Just ahead?” the Mother asked, hushed, pointing before her with her hand that was holding the iron-wrought scepter.

“What exactly are you referring to?” asked Amrita.

Lina tilted her head slowly to the left, all Eyes still locked onto the twinkling vision just before her. She bugged out her Eyes.

“Rita… I… Rita, there’s something there.”

The android shot a blank stare ahead and then looked back at Lina.

Magdalena slowly squinted her Eyes, staring ahead intently.

After a couple of minutes, she took a hard blink, shook her Head, and exhaled deeply, rubbing her Eyes.

“Rita, I think I’m hallucinating.”

“What do you see?” asked Lina’s mechanical companion insensibly.

Magdalena then caught a sudden ultra-vivid sensation of déjà vu the moment she somehow seemed to recognize the patterns in the blistered shatter cones embedded in the inglorious jagged substratum on either side of the apparent apparition, and she could feel tinges of radiation in the air that were bolstered by her mighty glowing golden dress. She felt exceedingly hot as she and Amrita continued to walk toward the vision, sweat starting to trickle down her face. Before the Mother shone enigmatically what seemed to her to be some sort of wavering, brilliant photo-sonic phantom waterbed of exquisite, glittering bright white light. And it had a blue tinge to it.

“There’s, like, a huge shimmering pond straight ahead, Rita…” Lina articulated slowly, “like, floating above the ground… wow, it’s beaming, Rita!” The seeming mystifying body of water mimicked the bright Full Moon up above most brilliantly.

“I see no such thing,” remarked Amrita.


The woman slowly stepped toward the vision before her, Amrita stealthily slinking along by her side with reluctance.

About thirty-three yards ahead, Lina came to a stop.

She knelt down.

Her jasper amulet was now emitting so much energy that her whole torso glowed vigorously with hazy light-blue rays that exuded off of her in slothful, glossy wisps.

Before her, there seemed to exist a calm, clean, fresh glowing pond hovering just slightly over the ground with wonderfully shiny reflections rippling through it in silver sparkles that were emblazoned with golden lace.

And it had a blue tinge to it.

Mouth widened with mystery, Lina reached her hand out to touch the water and her fingers slipped into the wetness dreamily. She lightly latched up her Eyelids and allowed the tranquil essence of the liquid to enfold her wrist.

There, Magdalena remained, expressionless, mesmerized for a timeless instant. During the occurrence, her experience was psychedelically imprinted onto the morphogenetic field of the human race at a particularly high frequency.


Before long, the entire body of the Mother was surging with warm, potent prana, and she became extremely euphoric. A peaceful smile had been forged upon the precious disgraced face of the gorgeous dark Mother. Her upper body, and now also the area of perceived space three feet directly above her head, had begun shining big beams of white light outward, with hazy blue wisps exuding from the beams’ edges. It was getting so bright within the local vicinity that Lina almost forgot that the flora and fauna of Fucked-Earth still boasted a most murky nocturnal ambiance all elsewhere.




Thank You For Returning To Dark Esoterika, Where We Observe Psi Phenomena & Sacred Visions Through The Lens Of Geomancy & Dreams.



Dear Readers & Bloggers, Eye hope you are all well or are at least able to somewhat steady the Mind at certain intervals during these grim yet joyous Times on Urth, at the cusp. If You’re currently bein’ Blown away by the books & articles you’re Readin’ lately, that is a huge plus, and I am truly glad you’ve found some new, albeit, perhaps temporary, Sources of Inspiration.

Well, I am so happy to See so many curious people starting to latch on to the excitement and significance of my recently released esoteric debut novel, The Aqueous Transmission! Recently, I was asked a bunch of interesting questions about the mechanics and epic inner workings of “my world” that I write about in this dark tale, the answers of which will soon be published on another great WordPress blog about Epik Worlds in Spec Lit. But, for now, I’m gonna release them here on my blog! Lucky You! Also, Look for my next Pro Book Review coming this month in March!





1. Tell us about your novel. (This could be your blurb.)

IN A DYING WORLD NOT UNLIKE OUR OWN, two elemental forces are controlling two avatar demigods who seek to perpetuate the planet’s existence by reshaping a new world in a certain way after it has finally fallen to a post-apocalyptic state. On the One side we have Mother Magdalena, a strong and fierce pregnant Hankerhawk woman of the Earthen Bry Dellows who will be faced with the challenge of reviving humanity in a changed, desolate, dark world with no living creature in sight. On the other side we have Al Rodnam, a wise, old Sirian guru mystic who has much love for the dying world of Earth and is the last of his kind, the Godheds, who had helped Mother Magdalena restart civilization One age prior. Both personas will cross paths and have to help each other meet the commands of their elemental forces.

Meanwhile, throughout it all, Magdalena is continuously haunted by the shade of a mysterious man she somehow feels fiercely attracted to and also reminds her of someone important she had met Once, someone she had Once loved… Upon giving birth to her child, Magdalena feels compelled to search for this man, wherever his real person may be, fully believing the man to not only still be alive, but to in fact be the Last Godhed of whom she had been searching for for a long, long time. However, we come to find that the shade of this familiar man, although not in fact the Last Godhed, is indeed the Last Godhed’s fully manifest Shadow Identity toying with the Mother. Once the prerequisites for Magdalena and her High sisters are met, Al Rodnam must use his High powers to help beckon the Mother to his Shadow. But first, there must be a divine transformation through a magical pond located at a secret, special spot upon the ruins of the destroyed Earth, a spot that’ll help shift the gears of the story up a couple of notches in an extremely powerful and enchanting way, but not consciously quite exactly the way in which either avatar was ever expecting…




2.  What makes your world special or different?

The thing about my world that makes it so interesting yet also unique is that it is instantly directly relatable to the reader because “my world,” or at least the Setting for a majority of my story, is Planet Earth. But… it’s an existential replication of our home planet in comparison to the way ours is now during our [the readers’] actual current waking life, and the people living upon her in the story do so in a way quite a bit differently than we do here in modern-day life, despite them nevertheless still being some variety of human-hybrid homosapien, as we ourselves are.

You see, my version of the Planet Earth in my novel (which is in its own time continuum) has only about 30% Ocean in comparison to the some 70% or more Ocean as are currently the conditions of our home planet now-a-days. As such, and in intimate coordinated correspondence, the body liquid levels of most of the demented humans in my story are also intrinsically related to the water levels of their Earth’s body; i.e. the physical makeup of their bodies, as well as their land, is quite drastically different to ours in comparison. The bodies of the people who make up this vast majority of these few, small indigenous tribes spread out across this grim apocalyptic version of Earth we now carefully analyze, the ones known as Loombugs, are disgracefully deformed, grizzly, and hoggish. The very small elite sects of their people who control them, however, the ones who call themselves Hankerhawks, have exclusively been allowed access to the clandestine domain of Amrita’s Inner Earth Underworld and have been additionally genetically-enhanced with far-sustaining power and forms bestowed to them from their Higher, Godly counterparts of extradimensional origin who have been in somewhat constant contact.

There are very few tribes spread out across the globe living in rather small, horribly filthy, deranged communities that can best be described as “urbanized,” destroyed, and neglected thick jungle-like environments, but with mostly no other animals, containing mostly sickly foliage, and rather remarkably contained in all. Other than these small thickly-settled villages, there was, spread out wide and far across the One and only landmass of this planet, nothing but super hot barren and ashy deserts of sprawling lonely emptiness. Each tribe’s village existing on the planet is naturally, and quite consequently, situated along or near its very small Ocean. These tribes have little to no contact with one another. On the edge of each dark tribal community’s dirty and deformed village is always located its appended most cherished pig pen filled with shit-loads (literally) of a particular special strain of pig engineered by Al Rodnam (more on him, these “Blood-Pigs” I’m describing here, and the Loombugs later, in Character Profiles, Terms, World Faction Alignments, and Tribal Heritage).




Oh, and by the way, every member of every tribe on the planet of these Hankerhawks and Loombugs is female. That’s right, no males; they’re not allowed. (For more on how the tribes originated to begin with, ask me about The Founding of Bry Dellows.) Usually, I got it worked out so that, upon their fucked-up version of Planet Earth, at any point along the timeline of my multiverse, there would almost always be, among populations of the human-hybrid beings alive at any moment, roughly 85% Loombugs, 10% Hankerhawks, 4% Gilded Grunts, and 1% Godhed (for more on these sects, ask me about World Faction Alignments and Tribal Heritage).

The Hankerhawks and the Loombugs together make up roughly 95% of the entire world’s human population among the few tribes of sisters usually alive at any time. The other roughly 5% of male human-hybrid creatures existed separately for the most part from the women, yet still strangely remained attached in certain ways to their respective tribe of descent by way of Space-Grain trading agreements. (Ask me more about Space-Grain, what it is, and why it’s important to the story.) There really are very, very few other creatures of any kind existing anywhere ON the surface of my world, but that’s certainly not the case IN-side my world (see Amrita’s Inner Earth Underworld), and I must add that there are also other (important) places that are part of the Setting of this novel that exist on and in other planets, craft, and various outer-space outposts, that are situated in other galaxies, and in some cases, also different timelines (or no timeline at all).





3.  How does your main character fit into this world?

Mother Magdalena is the Head Hankerhawk of Bry Dellows, the largest of the tribal villages. Bry Dellows was the first settlement of the Earth in my world and was founded by Magdalena herself, along with Al Rodnam, a very old mystic from the Sirius Trinary Star System, a man who also happens to be the Last Godhed on “Fucked-Earth.” (Throughout the book, I refer to the “Earth” as “Fucked” because, despite the obvious implication, the very act to have caused the nuclear explosion that obliterates the entire planet time and time again was the impact of its mystically-charged Moon which had Cum suddenly shooting out of its orbit straight down into its Mother Earth (rendering her “fucked”) the very moment the Spirit of the Last Godhed, Al Rodnam, reentered its Remote Viewing of a sacred Dream Mother Magdalena had been prophesized to have been having during this time, while she slept in her tiny bedchambers of her mini silvery auto-piloting space-pod beside the corpse of the recently deceased Fletcher Munsin, with whom she had just performed the Conception of Mandorla with at the Andromeda Biodome just prior. The Mother did this because she wrongfully assumes Fletcher Munsin to be the Last Godhed, Al Rodnam, of whom she was divinely charged to sacredly seduce. Fletcher Munsin is in fact, however, the Last Godhed’s Shadow*.)




At the beginning of the story, in Episode I. Magdalena crash-lands on her recently nuked, now Fucked-Earth. She’s the only living being now alive on the whole planet, everything else having been destroyed. But she’s pregnant…. Fortunately, Magdalena manages to salvage and acquire a few cool things that she’s really gonna need!! She has with her her lovable life-long pet, Amrita (who represents a living embodiment of One of the Life-forces** itself, made manifest AS the Divine vehicle it would otherwise only pump through, existing as something more and greater than just the powerful sacred energy flowing through it, and is portrayed throughout the novel taking shape inside the inner circuitry of a cat-like android who down the line has a Metamorphosis into a High mystikal Serpent, with extra-special abilities, including divine access to Amrita’s Inner Earth Underworld). Luckily, she also manages to snag the idolized archaic Golden Dress and Azure Jasper Stone Amulet of Solaria, both of which are intimately bestowed unto her by the awesome force of Solaria.

Mother Magdalena eventually finds her way to the sacred Pond of the Aqueous Transmission (which is eternally located — though is mostly closed — at the exact same coordinates known and felt by Al Rodnam, the Last Godhed, to be none other than the Earth’s sucking Grail Point/Vajina that periodically gets activated) by following the arcane geomantic tug she begins to feel on her magical amulet; there gives birth to her child; (see The Liberation of Mandorla) and Receives the Spell of Solaria from Al Rodnam as the sage’s Spirit then proceeds to join the Body of Mandorla, the Mother coming to quantumly combine with the Last Godhed Essence now amplified by instantaneous Kundalini Activation (for more on the Mandorla/Al Rodnam Entity Bi-location flux phenomenon and Komplex, ask me about The Aqueous Transmission Event).

Al Rodnam guides Magdalena and her pet Amrita to the Hollow. This was the magical, sacred place of where Bry Dellows was supposed to be founded. Without Magdalena being conscious of the fact, some time within the first couple of weeks of arriving, Al Rodnam puts Magdalena under another hypnotic spell (see The Spell of Lachrylon) and uses the power of Amrita, the Mother’s pet robot-cat-turned-snake, to access the Inner Earth Underworld, the resulting “key” to the Stargate that was hidden somewhere in the Hollows of Bry Dellows being given to the sly guru when the snake was placed around a temporarily unconscious Magdalena’s Head, the specific placement of tools coming to commence the vortex sucking of the Stargate, thus providing the Last Godhed with secret access to a place he naturally wasn’t supposed to be. From within Amrita’s Inner Earth Underworld, Al Rodnam knows he can access the Immortal Earth’s South Pole Homeland, a lush, thriving tropical jungle location curiously located at the South Pole of the original Divine Blueprint of Mother Earth, preserved and living in perfect harmony outside from any time continuum. Just as special and nice, Amrita’s Underworld is the existential Garden of Eden, and as such, is provided with a most mystical, totally rejuvenating pond that functions as the Fountain of Youth for the Hankerhawks in my story. The Stargate to the Immortal Earth’s South Pole Homeland is located at the bottom of this magical rejuvenating pond. Once there, Al Rodnam artificially inseminates Magdalena, still under the mystic’s hypnotic trance, with his sakred sperm he had been incubating inside a jar placed within a Sirian Space Krystal (ask me more about this) placed inside his favorite tree that was beside a proverbially  gently-flowing stream. The trio return to Bry Dellows via the Inner Earth Underworld, Magdalena never coming to find out what was done to her. She thereby begins the most arduous task of reviving humanity, beginning with successfully mating with her newborn child — who was destined to be male — once he began puberty, and going from there.




Eventually the idea (as was demanded by Solaria, on most High) was for Mother Magdalena to procreate as much as she could for a few generations and make the females Loombugs, teaching them all about Bloodpig Feeding and Sakrifice Rituals along with despicable applications of precisely placed Runes. The Loombugs would always by nature and for all intents and purposes be as hideous as could be and gravely mentally retarded. Very rarely though, this would not be the case, as a few particularly beautiful and high-functioning sisters would occasionally birth into the tribes, their chemical makeup (see Genetic Traits) designating these few special sisters as Chosen Ones that would go on to train to become Hankerhawks by engaging in various geomantik customs of celestial salutations among other rites. They would also be allowed into Amrita’s Inner Earth Underworld, their bodies being biologically compatible with magnetic repulsion zones. As for the males, Mother Magdalena is inclined to chop off their penises and testicles at birth and enslave them for Harvest of Space-Grain, which was absolutely essential in feeding the Bry Dellows Bloodpigs (ask me why!). These “Gilded Grunts” would eventually retrieve Space-Grain from the Andromeda Biodome (which was only able to be grown there) and continuously bring it through an artificially forged wormhole portal to the pig-pens of all the Hankerhawk tribes to feed all the Bloodpigs, which was the only thing they would and could eat! (Ask me why it is essential for Bloodpigs to exist in my world.) Once enough Gilded Grunts were born and instructed of their tasks, any males that were born into the tribes thereafter were ritualistically slaughtered and/or drowned in the extra-salty Ocean. Eventually, males stopped being born into the tribes altogether.

From the Immortal Earth’s South Pole Homeland, Al Rodnam also retrieves some lush living branches of the tree his mystical jar o’ sperm was hidden inside (none such thing could be found upon a recently post-apocalyptic Fucked-Earth). Back upon Bry Dellows, the old mystic would spend months whittling away at them, inscribing various Rune engravings onto the side of what would turn out to be Four Sticks he eventually mystically fashions into the Staff of Lachrylon. Which is an apropos lead into your next question…

*Many terms and concepts I use in this wild story are influenced from Jungian, and in some cases, Freudian Psychology. Study of various modern-day okkult koncepts such as Keylontic or Kosmic Science in tandem with the modern-day cutting-edge discoveries in quantum mechanics have also greatly influenced this story. Ideas have also been taken from my studies of human applications of Psi Phenomena, mysticism and shamanism, dreams and sleep disorders, various myths and religions, and my own creative imagination among other things! -MIKE


**By Life-forces here, I mean specifically the super-powerful, most nurturing applicable divine forces of KI or PRANA.





4.  Is there a system of magic? If so, please tell us about it.  Or tell us about the technology of your world.

  • Staff of LachrylonReacts specifically to the geological coordinates of Fucked-Earth where the Pond of the Aqueous Transmission frequently spawns (Mandorla/Al Rodnam Phenomenon & Komplex).
  • Al Rodnam’s plasma-preserved Mystikal Sperm & its Application Into the Mother.
  • Golden Dress of Solaria worn in my tale by tribal demi-goddess Mother Magdalena — Reacts to the Octahedral Iron Crystal Core at the center of the Earth.
  • Azure Jasper Stone Amulet of Solaria also worn in my tale by tribal demi-goddess Mother Magdalena. — Reacts specifically to the geological coordinates of Fucked-Earth where the Pond of the Aqueous Transmission frequently spawns (Mandorla/Al Rodnam Phenomenon & Komplex).
  • Korrupted Runosophy practiced with Stone Runes (instead of Wood Runes) in Bry Dellows and in all the tribes of the deformed, devolved tribal women, none of which kept in contact, but were all originated from Bry Dellows. In daily Ritual, the specific Rune symbols used by The Hankerhawks and Loombugs, their placement, and whether they had been carved on Wood or Stone would each determine completely different, yet very powerful results in their immediate day-to-day lifetimes. These powerful praktices used here with Stone would invoke dangerous spirits of false protection for the all-female tribes upon an Earth planet with its given orientation as it is in this story, given to them by Solaria. But practiced another way originally showed to the Mother by Al Rodnam during the Founding of Bry Dellows, channeling Lachrylonic Pulses with Wood Runes instead, the tribes would be alternatively guided by the power of Lachrylon instead of Solaria. This was never done in Bry Dellows, however, the Mother determined to follow the commands of Solaria (for more on the elemental forces of Lachrylon and Solaria, ask me!).
  • — The Last Godhead Al Rodnam is a mystik, and thus practices all of the customs of the tribal shaman (powerful applications of Geomancy/Earth Magick and Astral Projection & Travel). A shape-shifter, the Last Godhed on Fucked-Earth can also morph at will into an over-sized blue and blubbery dolphin.




5.  What are the people who inhabit your world like? Are they based on real-world cultures? What systems of government are in place?


Tantrik Sex, at first, among Hankerhawks of Bry Dellows, with the first Grunts before they are Gilded (to initiate and spawn gender population control).

— Indoctrination into a flawed, mystically corrupted and misguided practice of Runosophy with Stone Runes among all sister Loombugs by their Hankerhawk elders.

Auto-suggestion and Brainwash to the Loombugs and Gilded Grunts by the Hankerhawks.

— Also, Intimidation and Lies from them.

— Loombugs to perform Bloodpig Sakrifice Rituals during certain Phases of the Moon (you can ask me more about this ever-so-curious, deranged topic if you so dare! Hah!).





6.  Are there any magical creatures? If so, please tell us about them. What about non-human characters: i.e., robots, sentient animals, androids, AI, alien races, etc?

Great question! Each creature in my tale is quite magical in their own way as they relate to my world and each other. It’s actually somewhat complicated but I’ve found a way to show simply the magical correlations of my characters and groups with each other and their world:



*Metatron’s Cube: We know Metatron’s Cube as the 3rd & 4th dimensional star tetrahedron Merkaba starlight vehikle consisting of an encased inner space able to be fit virtually any and/or every possible 3rd dimensional polygonal shape having compatible 4th dimensional electronic tendencies, and hold its form intact through particle conversion. In The Aqueous Transmission, Mother Magdalena comes to conjoin with 12 of her fellow High sister Hankerhawks to form a Metatronic Kube hyperspace vehicle suitable for intergalactic and interstellar travel. This orb-cube conjunction also has an alternative guise: a small silvery egg-like space-pod.


**Noble Nammu of Europa: Cute lil’ Nammu is a miniature dolphin with the purest of Heart hailing from one of Jupiter’s Moons, Europa, (yes, my wacky multiverse includes a Milky Way galaxy somewhat similar to ours) and is the messenger in this story, to warn Al Rodnam that 13 of the Bry Dellows Hankerhawks including Mother Magdalena are about to have the momentous Andromeda Biodome Truth Revelation (ask me). The Last Godhed can See most things (his Spirit is a seasoned 8th dimensional avatar consisting of 24 activated strands of DNA) but while in his Immortal Earth’s South Pole Homeland, where he must sometimes remain, he is alas consequently unable to be Aware of the most-prominent Bry Dellows Hankerhawks coming to form the Metatron’s Cube once they were able to, because Metatronic forces use an energy undetectable to realms outside of any time continuum. The Andromeda Biodome Truth Revelation is the trigger that brings the Mother and her 12 closest to the waiting Fletcher Munsin, Shadow of the Last Godhed, prophetically to be henceforth snatched up for the Sacred Seduction.



7.  Is there anything special, precious, or unique about your world’s geography or its place in the universe?

Yes! This is discussed in detail in #2.

8.  What are the two most interesting facts or features of your world?

You tell me!! 😉

9. How does the landscape or geography of your world affect the plot or theme of the story?

The geography as well as the civilizations of my world (or the Setting, rather, for the duration of a great deal of my story, and the concept for an important aspect of my world) have immense, extraordinary, direct affiliation with the very fundamental allegorical, archetypal, and arcane-inspired constructs within its essence, continuously supplying my world with power to keep it spinning while at the same time receiving power itself just by Being what, and also specifically WHERE, it is. This is discussed in detail in #2 & #6.

10.  Is there a religious system in place?  If so, please describe the basic tenants of its tenants and how they impact the characters or story.

Please See #5.

11.  What is one last thing you would like readers to know all about your world?

That it’s real.




The Glorious 13th Entry into Dark Esoterika & the Technosphere, A Curious Insect Forever To Be Caught In The World Wide Web

from THE AQUEOUS TRANSMISSION, a novel by mike eye


Chapter 14.




HAVING JUST BEEN CONJOINED AND LIBERATED, REBIRTHING ITSELF INTO timeless deep-space from the Void just below a very high-octave density level, there existed now a unique cluster of massless potential energy that was receiving a summons, in subtle song, to come help with grave issues relating to Planet Earth of the Milky Way. 

The particular cluster of partiki pre-matter of which we follow in this tale, not quite existing yet among countless others everywhere, consisted of three veiled, vacant slots, and it would now be the sole objective of this high Oversoul cluster to opportunely fill these spots with supportive living metaphysical sustenance. 


A powerful force of an individually relevant sense of mentorship was the first influential subtle energy to infuse itself into the particular cluster of which we follow, singing itself sullenly into being, providing our cluster with an unbelievably important message. It slowly materialized, wrapping itself around the invisible, young little unlit bulb of energy, forming around its perimeter a compatible morphogenetic field which lightly began cradling it to the tune of righteousness as it began expanding far outward to touch distant ends of space unimagined. This energy of guidance came to occupy the first of the three metaphysical slots in this awakening cluster. It carried with it a special program of intimate direction, rocking the embryonic iota of the orb not yet completely activated, nursing it inherently just as any One of its kind would customarily do to its youthful contents soon after it detached itself from the intergalactic Hollow and departed singly from it. 

And as it did this, just as simply as nature existed naturally, the unseen husk of the energy cluster began receiving transmissions of specified frequencies in slight jolts, the important, individualized message of guidance coming to reach the very essence of the husk in visions, consequently causing another power to fill the second vacant slot within it. Coming to reside within this second slot was the ethereal power of which would supply the hidden husk with a very specific willful Intention to desire carrying out its overall destined duty. In time, the little husk was to become gradually more receptive to this newfound High energy, as it would come to recognize that this High message had been sent directly to it, personally.

But not until it was to collaborate with a third, most vital unifying power of pure, white liquid-light. It was only after this collaboration with the liquid-light that the energy cluster was to then become fully whole, allowing the potentially charged, explicit energy brimming from the completed husk to finally be able to reclaim its ultimate true union via quantum flux, so becoming eligible to spawn into an individual system of intergalactic expansion. 


It was similar to all other energy husks that subtley idled in potentia, awaiting its own personal guidance, its inner realization of Truth, and its supreme plasmatic ignition: the three necessary activations for a subtle husk to be able to come into itself and become alive with its consciously directed High energy. A completed subtle husk, with its three slots filled, would then not only be able to materialize into matter, but also be able to influence other potential energies through perpetual projections of its own unique astral sound vibrations in conjunction with its own lucid light radiations, both of which would come to project themselves within the widest full-spectrum range of cycles per second, coming to mingle with the zillions of other already energized, full subtle husks throughout galaxies wide and far.

These zillions of similarly conjoined, sentient entities were spread out all over no place in particular, yet present everywhere at Once, perpetually generating concealed patterns of intimate Sacred Geometry and eliciting a most passionate harmonization by means of their interconnectedness. There and far out, countless awakened twinkling husks of Consciousness resonated in deep-space; noble, formless, flowing fragments of individual data programs, fully energized and encoded with their own unique explicit message from some mystifying, flourishing force present throughout galaxies far and wide, their intended commanding High forces overtaking them to synchronically kindle across the cosmos their flashing pulses of sacred data amongst themselves most wonderfully, like serotonin snapping in-between synapses in the brain. 

Each subtle husk of electrically fed quantum energy that came to propagate throughout interstellar existence was each individually directed from some separate contacting force heeding from some disclosed location, and each had shed itself free from the Hollows of Intergalactica, the veiled fragments ultimately coming to habitually dance together with invisible yet lucid distinction in pitch Darkness, fluxing vigorously subsequent to the  arrival of their three phosphorescent counterparts. All the husks always unendingly honored their channeled mentorships without question, so gaining the ability to eternally spawn themselves into hyperspace intentionally, with great purpose, each cluster forever pulsing with warm quantum information, each heedful always of that unique bond that was meant for it exclusively.


This enigmatic High network of limitless subtle clusters so filled with High energy linked to the Unified Field, and was the very network Mother Magdalena’s mighty “PRAP-Q.C.” synchronoscope synchronized with. But One very specific cluster out of the zillions strewn about galaxies endlessly afar — indeed the very fine husk so vital to this horrific tale of such extreme adversity — was the One that would deliver a most critical message to a certain significant someone special, somewhere extraordinary.

As a ritual art rendered anew Once again, after having received a most potent shock of insight, our subtle spec of three jointly operating energies, the very husk we follow in our story, came to illuminate most vibrantly across the heavens with subtle shades of blue, and was immediately ‘turned on’ to the fact that — now that it had become its specific time to do so — the spec was to forthwith commence resonating vibrantly with perpetual purpose from its clandestine Source. It struck a chord, in chorus, with the notes of its rhythmic willful intent, the notes of reverberation from its interaction with the Unified Field of energy transmitting outward in all directions, and the notes of the melodic force of the Holy resonance it was picking up from its newborn magnetic correlation to an area in the Milky Way not at all distant from the planet Jupiter.  


And now, the particular energy cluster that had been called to assist Earth became fully aroused by its thin encasement of fibers, shook a tad. Precisely aligning itself with its purpose, the cluster collided with a fierce glare, awakened from its forgetfulness, and manifested itself accordingly, instantaneously igniting into a pocket of astral radiance that eventually accumulated into an interstellar cloud. 

The dark cloud drifted through the cosmos, riding its personal plasma lattice, propelled by the electromagnetic energy of the interstellar radiation field. 


Before long, the cloud came to a standstill just above the atmosphere of the mighty Jupiter. Within that vicinity, the interstellar cloud constellated into an exactness, becoming denser as its gas pressure locked into balance with the potential energy of the immense planet’s internal galactic gravitational force.

Over a course of several Jupiter-years, denser and denser pockets of molecular hydrogen developed within the cloud as it gradually transformed into a noticeably bright, colorful stellar nursery destined to give birth to many relevant stars that would occupy the sky around Jupiter for a long, long time. 

The molecular hydrogen that formed from the nursery entered Jupiter’s orbit, finding legitimacy through the symbiotic relationships it then made with drifting carbon monoxide molecules therein. It began mingling with the vast clouds of ammonia crystals found throughout the vicinity, the resulting chemical formulations adding force to some of the gas giant’s fierce turbulences. 

A very intense, precisely calculated storm was brewing.


No matter how far they spread out, every aspect of the compounds that included the molecular hydrogen from the stellar nursery all functioned as One in the same, all being encoded with the same intention: to help Earth in a very particular manner with a very particular problem at a very particular time, heeding the order from that which beckoned it. This particular network of energetic compounds waited patiently for the interior of the mammoth planet to reach a precise heat level, a level with which the network could perceive as keenly as its binding to it was intuitively obliged. 

Magic(k) then occurred precisely as Jupiter’s core reached the appropriate heat level, a critical temperature that just so happened to be the same exact hotness as the center of the apocalyptic Fucked-Earth at that very moment in time, which also turns out to be the precise instance whereupon Fletcher Munsin’s Unholy Cum will finally drop down atop a be-doomed surface of the Earth planet, igniting total disaster. 

The intentional weather system of the relevant molecular compounds merged with a nearby gathering of Water clouds to generate a mammoth, exceptionally high-charged bolt of lightening that struck two perfectly analogous positions on both Jupiter and Earth, simultaneously, with both positions geographically proportional to their respective spherical coordinates.

The Conscious Essence of the interstellar cloud that had triggered the interplanetary synchronized electrical strikes was now able to promptly align itself with the luminosity and still aquatics of Jupiter’s moon, Europa. 

It remained distillated for an undisclosed amount of time inside the vast ocean within the ultra-smooth lil’ Luna. The Essence was calculating the astral plot points in the Milky Way that mapped out the spiral course from its location inside Europa to a significant position on Earth where it could be extremely valuable in the very near future. 


As soon as the proper coordinates had been configured, the concentration of the relevant molecular compounds solidified themselves within the body of a contemplative aquatic Europian that resided therein. It projected itself inside the humble little creature known as Nammu — who looked very much like a shrunken dolphin — and became One with her, instantly awakening her Soul who, it just so happened, had been recently seeking out the significance of its being by entreating upon the vibrant, newly-formed stellar nursery in the sky around Jupiter from whence the molecular compounds had indeed come. 

Fulfilled with the Knowledge that revealed the exact direction of her purpose, the enlightened little Europian then rode the spiral to Earth, surfing and splashing against the wavering rift of a celestial ocean. She was drawn by a mysterious force, and she fell upon some intense, incredibly intriguing patterns of stardust and aurorae on her happy little way toward Earth.

When she arrived at her destination, the noble Nammu was disheartened to find herself surrounded by a very small body of water that was much smaller than her Home on Europa. She swam a slight ways to the top of the tiny waterbed and poked her Head out at the surface. 

Surrounding the Europian creature above Water was the most vibrant expanse of lush green jungle, a charm of nature the lil’ creature had never before seen. Nammu gawked in amazement at the magnificent display of vigorous plants of all different sizes and textures that were wonderfully arrayed before her, coolly swaying in a light Earthly breeze. She took in a vital breath, filling her lungs with the fresh, colorful air that was wafting by.

The lil’ creature remained absolutely stricken for quite some time, completely awed by the scene. She would’ve loved to go exploring, she thought to herself, but alas her nature bound her to the liquidness of life. At least for now.

In the near distance, atop a quaint grassy knoll, the little dolphin creature caught sight of a very short and hairy old male human being with a huge grizzly grey beard who was peacefully positioned in the posture of the lotus, appearing to be in Deep Contemplation. The little creature also noticed that the small pool she now found herself partly submerged in was actually in the middle of a tiny stream that quietly rippled into and out of the small pool on either end. Comfortable inside the peaceful pond, her Head poking out of it inquiringly, Nammu smiled and felt an innate spiritual bond with the peaceful old man; to deliver a message to him was the very reason she was here. Her High Intelligence forthrightly bonded her to both the old man and the body of Water she found herself within. The effect was biological, mental, and emotional.


Nammu knew she had to communicate with the old man soon. But now, she recognized, was just not the time. Swimming a short distance to the bottom of the lake, the lowly little Europian marked her posture and made herself comfortable, yet very much aware, as she began meditating at the lake’s bottom, turning over glorious thoughts in her mind as she patiently waited for the right moment to deliver the message in the meantime. The lil’ being aimed to focus for a time upon the confusion and environment-shock she felt, and then shed the sensation from her mettle. 

Before long, after she was to attain the most prolific endeavor of conveying to the old man that it was then time, the little Europian inherently knew that she would then be reassured that her presence now in this place was not only significant, but somehow related to the very Spirit of all existences everywhere. -MIKE EYE 

Media Colludes to Hide Astonishing Fact About Glaring Signal in The Cosmos. Scientists Scramble to Explain Away. | Media


☆ 12. The Mother’s Sakred Prophetik Dream.



[chapter TWELVE of MIKE EYE’s The Aqueous Transmission]

MOTHER MAGDALENA HAD BEEN TRAVELING AT LIGHTSPEED IN Fibonacci sequence throughout the Milky Way in her beloved high-tech silvery space-pod during the global‭ ‬detonation‭, One day prior to her ship going down, ‬the craft now weaving in and out of infinite instances of space‭, ‬it’s wake folding over multi-layered fabrics of time‭, ‬creating an intricate‭, ‬multicolored, multi-dimensional tapestry of existence within the Milky Way galaxy and beyond‭, ‬grinding the gears of Purpose into ol’ grandfather clockwork‭. ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

Her subjective consciousness not yet aware of what had happened miles below her‭, still hours away from the moment of time in which the unconsciously permitted brash crash of her craft was to take place, ‬the Mother’s Lustful Heart still surged now with great‭ ‬delight due to the still-recent aftermath of her over-joyous‭, ‬deeply longed-for‭, ‬sanctified seduction within the Andromeda Biodome of the mistaken…

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Organic Timelines of Ascension and Unified Action ☆☆ Sandra Walter




Story Snippet #4 / fromMIKE EYE‘s /The Aqueous Transmission

– from EPISODE FIVE / Chapter 24 –

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[chapter TWENTY-FOUR]_____________________________________

The mystical pond could not be seen.

Nothing could be seen.

It was mostly stale-ass dead silence in the air, as the terribly bewildered Magdalena suddenly got choked up, became still, and came to a nervous hush, remaining trapped in place.

And Magdalena’s precious Mandorla did not cry.

She could not cry.

In an atmosphere of pitch-black, Magdalena, who surely did not scare easily, started to whimper and her long elegant legs again began flailing about in a fluster, her back still locked into place in the air three feet above the surface of the space of Fucked-Earth that was beside the pond now as gloomy…

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WONDER WOMAN – Rise of the Warrior [Official Final Trailer] – YouTube


☆ 27. The First and Last Godhed of Bry Dellows Kasts the Spell of Solaria Upon the Mother


Excerpted FromThe Aqueous Transmission ByMIKE EYE

Episode V. / Chapter 27

SEVERAL HOURS LATER, MAGDALENA FOUND HERSELF IN conversation with the old man, having eventually come to. He was about four feet short, with a long scraggly beard about three-and-a-half feet long. His Eyes remained totally wrapped up with strands of his long, grey hair. Dark robes hung loosely about the old man’s frame. He would remain camouflaged per order of the almighty Lachrylon.

Mother Magdalena was still groggy from her passing out. She could only see a tiny bit of the old man’s skin, just barely enough to notice the deep wrinkles.


“So, what happened to me?? Who are you?!

“You saw what happened,” replied the man softly, deeply, “And my name is Al Rodnam. Pleasure.” And the old man held out a gruff hand toward the Mother.

Lina, still suffering the after-effects of the Delirium…

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