Our Latest Blog Post From Our Most Beloved Red Queen


A New Study Circumvents a 178-year-old Theory

Scientists have figured out a way to create and cancel magnetic fields from afar. 



In this time in America, with its given increasingly palpable social paranoia-level and in our new world where over-obsessive, flat-out hysteria has become norm-public scenario, we must ask ourselves just precisely how RATIONAL are these once-obscure FEARS that’ve gripped the greater majority of us, now that in fact most of us behave as if we suddenly have those FEARS?

An amount of time since the Outbreak struck March of this year, now heading outta November. All over a super-contagious, potentially deadly virus that now still continues to grow worse. “The churches will be packed by Easter!” 7rump had snarled non-whimsically that month.

The country actually had to be shut down for two months, with one economic relief payment distributed publicly nationwide, and because many Republican governors are against masks, there are many places in this country that, quite shockingly, have been “packed” up with maskless people all bunched in together, nevertheless, everyone pressed up all together like sardines in a damn can.

And people still fly everywhere within the US; millions of Americans just traveled this past Thanksgiving, despite the koronavirus being the worst it’s been yet, with more than a quarter million Americans now having painfully died from it. Godammit, 7rump, there’s no wonder a great majority of We US citizens, along with the electoral college, ACTUALLY LITERALLY DID physically vote Biden to kick down the door of the oval office with a shotgun, and FIRE YOUR ASS. AND TAKE OVER. GOODBYE, YOU FUCK-UP.

YOU FUCKED EVERYTHING UP!! America is much worse, not greater, and now your fans are armed and pissed ’cause YOU LOST THE ELECTION. I honestly new that was your plan all along, you DESPICABLE HEARTLESS SCUMBAG!! GO DIRECTLY TO JAIL, DO NOT PASS FUCKING GO!!! //-MIKE EYE 🌀🌀🌀🌀