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Go on an Adventure. And Vaporize Your Soul.







THE AQUEOUS TRANSMISSION – Kindle edition by MIKE EYE. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @



Interdimensional Star Map Revisited

13:20 FREQUENCY SHIFT Red Electric Moon, Kin 29.

True magic is the power that bridges the dimensions. Because of this, true magic can be systematized and used on specific occasions. To call forth the true magic, the dreamspell that bridges the dimenisons, is the power of the oracle. –Jose Arguelles/The Arcturus Probe

The following is offered as a guideline of how to work with the (Galactic Mayan) Interdimensional Star Map to further unlock your cosmic memory. This map was created by Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan and first appeared in his 1987 work Surfers of the Zuvuya.

The key is to meditate this system into your chakras to embody the star knowledge.

Note that this particular map begins at the third eye with the Hunab Ku:  One Giver of Movement and Measure.

Mayaninterdimensionalstarmap(Galactic) Mayan Interdimensional star map was first put out by Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan in his 1987 book Surfers of the Zuvuya. If…

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Bio-Spiritual Harvesting Intelligence from Energetic



Collective consciousness or systems of human energy fields, can be harvested and directed, to put elemental substance into motion, in order to shift matter into artificially formed timelines. This energy yield can easily be converted for the purpose of powering up anti-human agendas. [Tap here for article]

Latest Review (2018) of The Aqueous Transmission by Mike Eye, A Most Thrilling Sci-Fi / Fantasy Epic




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*Tap here for a Synopsis of the novel


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Review by

☆  ☆  ☆  ☆

Many time when it comes to the Science fiction genre I find them to be overbearing with terminology in which I am unfamiliar with, but with Mike Eye’s creations of The Aqueous Transmission he easily blends the craftsmanship of the spacecraft and equipment while building a world in which has not been built yet.

I found this book to be one that was easy to read, easy to understand and easy to like. Eye took a great deal to provide the details needed to make this come alive in your mind. While the world building I found to be spectacular, the plot itself did take time to build up and develop. Perhaps the singular character, in the beginning, was the demise of that. Even with that aspect once that passes and other characters are become introduced you find yourself wanting to learn more about them.

The book is written in 3rd person following Magdalena and her mission to repopulate. At moments she is enjoyable but often I found her to be very full of herself. Which She should be, I mean the world in which she inhabits is under her mercy to expand with growth.  She is a strong character with a strong ego to match. Just not very likable I suppose.

It was pleased however to see an author stretch just beyond the normal base of world creation. Throughout the book I found myself being swept away to Magdalena side. While some parts became strangely exotic it all seemed to work within the bindings of this story.

The Aqueous Transmission is a great blend of science fiction and fantasy, which is not something I read often. But if I came across more work similar to Mike Eye’s writing style then it would be something I couldn’t find myself turning down.


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Latest Review (2018) of The Aqueous Transmission by Mike Eye, A Most Thrilling Sci-Fi / Fantasy Epic




*Tap here to get your print copy on Amazon

*Tap here to get your ebook for $3.33

*Tap here for a Synopsis of the novel

Click here to Read the Review on

Review by

☆  ☆  ☆  ☆

Many time when it comes to the Science fiction genre I find them to be overbearing with terminology in which I am unfamiliar with, but with Mike Eye’s creations of The Aqueous Transmission he easily blends the craftsmanship of the spacecraft and equipment while building a world in which has not been built yet.

I found this book to be one that was easy to read, easy to understand and easy to like. Eye took a great deal to provide the details needed to make this come alive in your mind. While the world building I found to be spectacular, the plot itself did…

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You Are Not Welcome Beneath The Hollow. Won’t You Join Us? 😉





From the Un-Brand New Sequel to The Aqueous Transmission by MIKE EYE


Chapter 4

“So you remember nothing of our trek here to this place?” pressed Magdalena to her pet a few days later. The two were starting to warm up to each other again. They were inside a makeshift tent they had scrounged together from various discards found around the Hollow.

“Nothing at all, except that I love you, beautiful!”

“But you don’t even remember me! How can that be?”

“I’m not sure!” stated the little snake contemplatively, “the old mystic may have used his magic to implant a false memory into my brain. I do somehow remember that this was a skill the reptilians from Orion specialized in.”

“Somehow remember? So… you think the old man’s really a reptilian from Orion?” asked the Mother. “Or that even you may be?”

“No, I’m quite sure I’m from somewhere else. The old man says he’s from Sirius, but that could be a lie. I tend to think it’s not, though. I figure if Al Rodnam had wanted to fully sway me into believing he’s from a particular star system, he would have just implanted that notion into my brain instead of just telling me.”


“Really? So, where do you think you’re from?” asked Lina.

“Somewhere in the Pleides,” replied Amrita.

No way! That’s where that old fucker said I was from!”

Really? Do you believe him?” Amrita was genuinely surprised.

“Hell no!”

“So you think we are both from somewhere else?”

“At least you are,” said Magdalena. “I highly doubt that you and I are from the same place. When you were a robot, I didn’t even think you were a real being! As for me, I’m still trying to prove to myself that I’m not from the Pleides, because, as much as it seems ludicrous, I can’t ignore the fact that it may be true. By the way, how are you able to Speak to me without a human tongue or vocal cords?”

“Telepathy. No audible waves needed in the transfer. Only you can hear me, Lina. So, what about you?” asked the snake, most eager. “How much and how far back do you remember?”

“Unfortunately, I remember the journey here entirely,” said the Mother. “Even Mandorla’s wretched Birth. Especially Mandorla’s wretched Birth. Despite Mandorla’s wretched Birth. But not much before that.”

“Really? So you remember everything I did while I was in this ‘robot-cat’ form all the way over here to this Hollow that just so happens to contain the portal to my secret world that the old man seems to suspiciously Know about?” asked Amrita excitedly.

“I do,” Magdalena replied, “but not before the moment I first Woke Up somewhere deserted, destroyed, and discombobulated. Intuitively, I Knew it was Earth, though, albeit an Earth now clearly expired. And I was all alone. All alone ‘cept for you, Rita.” After momentary awkward silence, Lina nodded briskly. “But, yah, I have stories of our dreaded, screwy adventures all the way back to that Point. Do you wish to know, Rita?” Although she thought she could somehow recognize her best friend through the new guise, Magdalena still felt it rather odd to call the tiny little snake who slithered at her foot ‘Rita’ due to the lamellose disposition of the divine little debutant, it being distinctly diverse from Robot-Rita.

“Yesss,” the snake replied instantly, “please tell me.”


“Well the first, most relevant thing that comes to mind is the warning you gave me just before the crazy old man transmuted you from an android to a serpent before my very eyes,” said Magdalena.

“Yesss, what warning did I give you, precious? I’m literally dying to know!?” The snake was sincere.

“You cautioned me about how much we cannot trust the old man!” Lina quickly replied forcefully, yet holding her breath, “and how he ultimately seemed to be altering select memories from me.” The woman looked around to see if Al Rodnam was anywhere near. “And despite your previous reputation of being 99.999999999% accurate as a feline-styled android, not to mention that you were my best and only friend around, I still refused wholeheartedly to listen to any sort of reason you may’ve been trying to give me… that is, until you showed me what actually occurred at that mystical Pond that we came across on our journey over here. The One beside which I finally found, and then lost, my precious daughter; the One beside which we were first confronted by the old man.

“I showed this to you, you say?” The snake was confused yet curious. “How?”

“You showed me the events of “the Aqueous Transmission” that you recorded with your bot-cam while I apparently was under a controlled trance, and then played it back to me on your cat-tummy’s holographic display! These events I Watched myself undergo after they took place completely contradicted what I remember having actually happened!”

“That is cccertainly most peculiar, Mother…” said the snake slyly with a fierce forked-tongue slither. “Wow, I could record and play videos? Cool! And… how peculiar it is about your warped memories! Oh dear! We do surely find ourselves in quite a quandary…”

“You could do a lot of things as a robot, Rita. I miss that you, quite frankly. But, alas, at least now you have showed and allowed me access to your secret inner world with the rejuvenating pond and all. At least that’s something.”

Screen Shot 2017-09-02 at 9.05.14 PM

“Oh, it’s something grand, Mother. Something truly miraculous. I tell you, do not misjudge the Power of My World and the Prowess of My Word!” the serpent stated joyously before becoming pensive. “You and I must try out damndest never to speak of or show it to the old man. You Know dear, that very Pond You Speak of, when Used by You during the Peak of your menstrual cycle upon precisely when My Blood Moon is Full, will allow you to continue existing forever, my love. The bountiful Baths of Breña will recharge you, but you must bathe exactly every 28 days. And You can Only get to this Pond through me, from the Hollow Above.”

“So you say,” the Mother pondered. “Don’t you find it rather curious that the old man new exactly where to bring us? It must be no accident we’re Settling right here beside the portal. But who exactly really is this old man/sky dolphin so suspect who can shapeshift and sidestep space so mysteriously and Outshine Us so? He says he’s my son and calls me ‘Mother.’ And he can morph into his giant flying dolphin form at will, so it seems.”

“Ah, yes. His true form. All I really Know is that he’s from Sirius. Or at least so he claims.”

“He’s told me that, too,” said Magdalena. “I don’t trust him at all. I’m starting to resent the fact he’s still alive, Rita. I don’t like the man. Or the dolphin, whatever. I would have no problem killing him. Except he Knows about my Unborn, and I’m a very curious girl. Besides, there’s a good chance he’s the only other living creature on the Planet, right? Ha! Now that you’re no longer a cat-bot I hesitate to ask precisely how good of a chance that may be, technically speaking.”

“100%. No, I’m joking, I honestly am not able to tell for sure. It seems bleak, though.”

Lina suddenly broke out into an overly-exaggerated, super loud laughter. “No Shit! Now, that’s something! You’re no longer able to do a global positioning scan on the Planet, but now you jest! I didn’t Know serpents had a sense of humor! That’s hilarious!”

Amrita slithered her tongue about a few times, then added, “Yesss, well, the events I forsee us undergoing are anything but.”

“How can you tell?” asked the Mother.

“It’s just a feeling. The radioactive fallout is adding some intense vibrations to an already exceedingly potent atmosphere. We should attempt to visit my Underworld as often as we can, but inconspicuously. There’s no telling what may happen to the world and humanity if Al Rodnam gains access to it.”


“That won’t happen,” the Mother quickly replied. “Do you think he’s even biologically capable of accessing the portal, Rita?”

“I do believe he is, yes. But in order to pass through, his body and mind would need to be bonded to both you and me. Then taken to Our ssecret sspot. The place you can’t let anyone know about. And I don’t see all that happening. Other than that, he may be able to also gain entry through any Solar-aligned, Consciously constructed megalithic stone structures still present anywhere across the land, and from what you tell me about the looks of things on our way over here, it seems highly unlikely any still stand. We should still be mindful of this, though.”

“Wow, really? Are you sure? How do you Know this stuff if you can’t even remember living your life in your other form?”

True Memories and True Prophecies are accessed by different means due to the varying frequency of each of the Source signals’ Consciousness Streams that emanate from our Milky Way’s Sun. Which is Intimately Inter twined with the Pleides and Alcyone, its Central Sun, Mind You. You Know this, too, Lina, if but only subconsciously. My reptilian nature tells me this, although I do not think I’m from Orion. And I feel extremely intense energies on this wrecked planet right now and it’s definitely due to precisely where we are. And if the old man Knows about the Inner Earth access here, which I believe he does, we must be constantly vigilant, Lina.”

“Always,” Magdalena quickly replied with a fist and resolve. “Now you’re starting to sound like your old self again!” Lina gave Rita the slightest smile.

“Literally everything depends on what we choose to do from here, it would seem.”


“Well let’s make shit happen, then!” the Mother retorted excitedly, believing she had more power than she did. “Something from the inside is telling me that my humanity, my sisters, are somewhere still Here; they were to be saved at all costs, and I was to be their savior.” She paused. “Ha! Delusions of grandeur much, beautiful??!” Inside Her Dark Head, Magdalena frequently called herself ‘beautiful.’

“Yesss,” replied Amrita seriously, “I sense this is true.” The little snake turned its little head to look Magdalena straight in the Eyes. “And the direction of our stellar precession from here forward will be navigated by You, Mother.”

Mother Magdalena’s golden dress glittered with eldritch at Amrita’s profound statement, and it was then she Knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that the snake was right. -MIKE EYE