☆ 29. A Founding of Bry Dellows : Welcome to the Hollow ☆

The thick flames rapidly wavered about amongst shadows in the near distance, glossing over her gapped gaze and mesmerizing Magdalena as she mused over her dilemmas through her mindscape of misfortunes that suspended her psyche in a hot reverie, subconsciously reflecting back to her concealed messages from her unseen future self.


Episode VI. Bry Dellows

[chapter TWENTY-NINE]

IT WAS NOT LONG AFTER THE METAMORPHOSIS OF AMRITA THAT Mother Magdalena — so cold and bitter — would start confiding in the aura of the mystifying Al Rodnam, which held in it murky, subtle suggestions of allure that the Mother could intimately identify with. The old guru mystic, along with the new serpentine Amrita and the neverlasting Mother would all soon come together to form quite the tight-knit team of road-ravaging travelers, each of their steps and slithers marking Fucked-Earth with its signature weight as they trudged and trampled on through it determinately.


They were now immersed within a thick, ominous grey myst that was settled about over the expanse of land upon which they trot, a gloomy fog that was slowly drifting and expanding outward in all directions to the very apex of each of the travelers’ observed visibility. The myst was…

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☆ 28. Double-Fisted Tricks from the Mystik Depicted with Sadistik Bitch Fits 👽


Double-Fisted Tricks from the Mystik Depicted with Sadistik Bitch Fits 👽

[Story Snippet 17 for DARKESOTERIKA.KOM]


>>>>Episode V.

From MIKE EYE‘S The Aqueous Transmission, a novel.

Chapter 28.<<<<

PRECISELY SIXTEEN OF THESE LONGER DAYS LATER — AN AMOUNT OF time effectually perceived by only the old guru — the all-powerful Mother Magdalena, Amrita the cat-bot, and the enchanted Al Rodnam had come upon a salty shore. They had stopped to rest here and there all along the way, sleeping upon junky sand-like dunes or the softest patches of dirt they could find, which weren’t very soft at all. Magdalena was starting to get used to crashing on hard surfaces; Al Rodnam was quite accustomed to it. He hardly even noticed. Amrita would stop to curl up next to Magdalena during these times and enter sleep-mode, its electric power-core set to magnetically charge through the shifted mantles…

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Readers and Bloggers of DARK ESOTERIKA, Eye Thank You Deeply Yet Again for Taking the Second of A Day Now to Transcend Ultimately for the Last Time With Me.

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As Ewe all No, Eye Am bred from (a) TOOL. Or, rather, I Resonate most strongly with the same “Kreation Wave” interference patterns as the members and most fans of TOOL do. Dr. Carl Johan Calleman, known prolifically as one of the “main proponents of the idea that the Mayan calendar reflects the evolution of consciousness,” boldly purports a kompelling modern-day theory also held by many other modern-day ‘mystery school’ facilitators and spiritualist groups commonly come to be Known as the Fractal-Holographic Model. As Calleman explains in his awesome recently released book (2016), The Nine Waves of Creation: Quantum Physics, Holographic Evolution, and the Destiny of Humanity, “This theory entails an entirely new way of approaching the betterment of humanity…


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